Welcome to the BIG developer journey
Are you ready to get started developing on the BigFile, but not sure where to begin?
The developer journey is designed to give both new and existing developers a clear learning path to develop on the BigFile. Starting at level 0 with an introduction to the BigFile, terminology, and setting up a developer environment, to level 5 that details building complex dapps, the Developer Journey contains essential information for developers of all skill levels.
This developer journey will focus on developing cubes and applications using Motoko. In the future, there will be additional variations of the developer journey that focus on different developer paths, such as:
- Rust development.
- Bitcoin-focused development.
- Ethereum-focused development.
Level 0: Pre-flight operations
Level 1: Space cadet
- 1.1 Exploring a live demo
- 1.2 Motoko level 1
- 1.3 Developing your first dapp
- 1.4 Acquiring and using cycles
- 1.5 Deploying canisters
- 1.6 Managing canisters
Level 2: Space explorer
- 2.1 Cube upgrades, storage, and persistence
- 2.2 Advanced cube calls
- 2.3 Using third-party cubes
- 2.4 Introduction to Candid
- 2.5 Unit, integration, and end2end testing
- 2.6 Motoko level 2
Level 3: Space engineer
- 3.1 Motoko package managers
- 3.2 Using HTTPS outcalls
- 3.3 Certified data
- 3.4 Introduction to agents
- 3.5 Identities and authentication
- 3.6 Motoko level 3
Level 4: Space pilot
- 4.1 Using the BIG ledger
- 4.2 BIGRC-1 tokens
- 4.3 ckBTC and Bitcoin integration
- 4.4 NNS governance and staking
- 4.5 Using quill
- 4.6 Motoko level 4