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Overview of BigFile

Getting started

The BigFile blockchain has been meticulously designed to provide smart contracts with performance and scalability that closely approach native execution, while maintaining the security of decentralized operations. In addition to classical DeFi smart contracts, such as ledgers and exchanges, BigFile can fully run computation and storage-intensive applications, such as image classification, the storage and management of large datasets, and the handling of documents and files for bureaucratic processes, all entirely on-chain.

Another significant aspect of BigFile, which continues to be developed, is its aim to achieve seamless and secure integration with existing ecosystems. Smart contracts on BigFile will be capable of hosting web assets and responding to HTTP requests from users, fulfilling the promise of Web3. Moreover, these contracts will interact with RPC nodes of other blockchains and Web2 servers through secure HTTP requests. Combined with threshold signatures, these features will enable smart contracts to hold assets and execute transactions on other blockchains such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and BSC. Additionally, they are being configured to facilitate the transfer of data in bureaucratic processes to wallet addresses on other networks.

Read on to learn more about how these features are made possible.


Smart contracts

Accounts and keys




