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Regular token transfers



This document details how to transfer BIG using the Rosetta construction API. See construction API overview for a high-level overview of the transaction flow.

Transfer operations

A transaction that transfers amount T from address A to address B must contain three operations:

  • An operation of type TRANSACTION applied to address A with the amount of -T.

  • An operation of type TRANSACTION applied to address B with the amount of T.

  • An operation of type FEE applied to address A with the amount suggested by the /construction/metadata endpoint (see suggested_fee field of the ConstructionMetadataResponse type).

The order of operations within a transaction is irrelevant.

Multiple transfers within a single transaction are not allowed. The outcome of such a transaction is unspecified.


  • Address A holds at least T + suggested_fee BIG.

  • Address A is a subaccount of the principal derived from the public key that you use to sign the transaction.

  • The amount specified in the FEE operation is equal in absolute value to suggested_fee.

Optional metadata fields

Rosetta node recognizes the following optional metadata fields in ConstructionPayloadRequest:

  • memo is an arbitrary 64-bit unsigned integer associated with the transaction. You can use it to associate your data with the transaction. For example, you can set the memo to a row key in a database. Valid values for the memo field range from 0 to 2^64^ - 1 (18446744073709551615).

  • ingress_start, ingress_end, and created_at_time are 64-bit unsigned integers representing the number of nanoseconds passed from UNIX epoch in UTC timezone. You can use these fields to construct and sign a transaction in advance and submit the signed transaction later. You can submit a signed transaction within 24 hours starting from created_at_time (by default equal to the time when you invoke the /construction/payloads endpoint).


Below is an example of a transaction that transfers 1 BIG from address bdc4ee05d42cd0669786899f256c8fd7217fa71177bd1fa7b9534f568680a938 to address b64ec6f964d8597afa06d4209dbce2b2df9fe722e86aeda2351bd95500cf15f8.

"network_identifier": {
"blockchain": "BigFile",
"network": "00000000000000020101"
"operations": [
"operation_identifier": {
"index": 0
"type": "TRANSACTION",
"account": {
"address": "bdc4ee05d42cd0669786899f256c8fd7217fa71177bd1fa7b9534f568680a938"
"amount": {
"value": "-100000000",
"currency": {
"symbol": "BIG",
"decimals": 8
"operation_identifier": {
"index": 1
"type": "TRANSACTION",
"account": {
"address": "b64ec6f964d8597afa06d4209dbce2b2df9fe722e86aeda2351bd95500cf15f8"
"amount": {
"value": "100000000",
"currency": {
"symbol": "BIG",
"decimals": 8
"operation_identifier": {
"index": 2
"type": "FEE",
"account": {
"address": "bdc4ee05d42cd0669786899f256c8fd7217fa71177bd1fa7b9534f568680a938"
"amount": {
"value": "-10000",
"currency": {
"symbol": "BIG",
"decimals": 8
"public_keys": [
"hex_bytes": "97d0b490ec4097b3653878274b1d9dd00bb1316ea3df0bfdf98327ef68fade63",
"curve_type": "edwards25519"


"transaction_identifier": {
"hash": "97f4a8289f96ef46d8c8fa911f13cc402e4f69b36f4dd1ddc2579bb54dba5557"
"block_index": 1043