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Photo storage example

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The example shows how to store photos on BIG in an asset canister with the @dfinity/assets package. The photo storage app is deployed as a frontend in an asset canister which is also used for photo upload.

This example project can be cloned, installed, and deployed locally, for learning and testing purposes. The instructions are based on running the example on either macOS or Linux, but when using WSL2 on Windows, the instructions will be the same.


This example requires an installation of:


Clone the example dapp project:

git clone
cd examples/hosting/photo-storage

React build

The React frontend is built by running:

npm install
npm run build


The local replica is started by running:

dfx start --clean --background

When the local replica is up and running, run this command to deploy the canisters:

dfx deploy


To authorize an identity to upload files, it must be authorized first:

dfx canister call photo-storage authorize '(principal "535yc-uxytb-gfk7h-tny7p-vjkoe-i4krp-3qmcl-uqfgr-cpgej-yqtjq-rqe")'

Before deployment on BIG, the hardcoded identity (defined in src/App.js) should be replaced by an authentication method such as Internet Identity.

Example photos

The example cat stock photos are from Pexels.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, see for details. See for details about how to contribute to this project.